Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Log entry Earth date 28th February 2006

I arrived at about 1pm local time. The track was all quiet, because of rain in the morning and the surface is still rather damp. By about 2:30pm, the first brave one took to the track in accordance with their booked slot for free practice. So the first 15 minute slot we see 2 cars, then the next 15 minute slot there were 4 cars and before you know it, there were 15 cars practicing on the damp track. However, they were not the fast ones, most of them were doing 55+ seconds.

Heard the the paddock, that on the 27th, the fastest lap time clocked was 47+ seconds by driver of the name Raaul or something like that. If I could get his full name, I'll post. The paddock is saying that the average lap time to keep is 50 seconds. Heard from Tesin (a local event official) that the American team has inform them that they are not coming. This has given rise to a participation problem for the organizers. Because there were a lot of seatsallotted to the team and the organizer is now ramaging through their records to invite those on the waiting and reject list.

It was great to meet up with the Mr. Sander in person. I also met Mr Hudy and his XB8 too. The Taiwan contingent is present in strength, with a large group from GS and Hong Nor. There is no Internet access in the hotel room and this is being created from the hotel's biz centre with a dial up line at 26kbps. So the pictures and videos are taking ages to upload and it does seem to be hung - sorry folks, there may be no pictures or videos to share - okay some pictures went through and this is the URL:
